15 Creepiest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Creatures

7. Doc

Appeared in: Forever, The Weight of the World - The Gift (Season 5, Episodes 17, 21-22) As played by Oscar-winner Joel Grey, the eccentric Doc seemed at first to be merely a strange old man but in fact had some hidden reptilian qualities. With a cold yet polite demeanour, Doc is a truly creepy villain. Adept in the black arts, Buffy's sister Dawn came to him for a way to resurrect her dead mother but she changed her mind just in time. He was also a worshipper of the hell god, Glory, and it was he who was responsible for bleeding Dawn, opening the portal to Glory's dimension and literally bringing about hell on Earth. Sporting a tongue possibly borrowed from Toad off X-Men - not to mention a tail - Doc was an enigmatic, near unstoppable monster willing to sacrifice the life of a teenage girl in the service of his mistress. Although you can imagine he wasn't really interested in Glory's plans but just got involved for the fun of it. Well, fun for a creepy frog-man.

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