15 Creepiest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Creatures

5. Vamp Willow And Xander

Appeared in: The Wish (both), Doppelgangland (Vamp Willow) (Season 3, Episodes 9, 16) It is an oft-used plot, to be sure, but 'what if...?' stories are always interesting, largely for how they show us well-known characters in a new light. Buffy episode The Wish features one of the best examples of this - in the form of vampire versions of Scooby Gang members Willow and Xander. In a timeline where Buffy never came to Sunnydale, the town is overrun with vampires, with the human population living in fear. We encounter many alternate versions of familiar faces but the most striking of these are the bumpy-faced Willow and Xander. Not the good-natured folk that we know, these two are amoral killers, looking to keep themselves entertained by 'playing' with any human they can find. Later on, Vamp Willow came to the regular timeline and wreaked havoc in normal Sunnydale. While not physically creepy like the monsters on this list, it's so wrong to see two of our heroes being bad that Vampire Willow and Xander are creepy in that sense. They are also a lot of fun, too, especially the sexually-minded Vampire Willow who, upon meeting her human counterpart, flirts with herself - a plot point that foreshadows the real Willow's coming out. So actually they're not so different. Apart from the undead bloodsucker thing.

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