15 Creepiest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Creatures

3. Der Kindestod

Appeared in: Killed By Death (Season 2, Episode 18) Nightmarish creatures don't get more nightmarish than this. A monstrous-faced killer who persecutes children, our number three is like the Buffy the Vampire Slayer version of horror icon Freddy Krueger (he even wears a hat). Just the ugly mug you see above is enough to name Der Kindestod as one of Buffy's scariest creations but the powers of this demon make him all the more terrifying. Only visible to sick children, Der Kindestod stalks hospitals and feeds on the life force of those children (through its eyes that come out on stalks, no less). When the child is found after the ordeal, it merely looks as if it has succumbed to its illness. What's more, he is Buffy's own childhood nightmare, having witnessed him kill her cousin when she was a young girl. Luckily, the second time she meets him she is the Slayer and can finally put her nightmares to bed. By the way, in case you can't speak German, his name means 'the child's death.' This is a demon who does exactly what it says on the tin.

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