15 Creepiest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Creatures

9. Turok-Han

Appeared in: Never Leave Me - Showtime, First Date, End of Days - Chosen (Season 7, Episodes 9-11, 14, 21-22) When the incorporeal evil, the First, attempts to take over the world it unlocks the secret at the heart of the Hellmouth situated beneath Sunnydale - the primeval vampires, the Turok-Han. Said to be the vampires that other vampires fear, the Turok-Han are mythical creatures from the dawn of time. Far stronger than the average bloodsucker - and even a Slayer - they have tougher sternums which make them harder to stake. Their additional strength and status led the Scooby Gang to give them the nickname, Ubervamp. Unlike the humanish (and sometimes pin-up) vampires found in the rest of the series, these Ubervamps are savages with demonic faces - like a Nosferatu who's let himself go. In short, the Turok-Han are so terrifying they make regular vampires look like puppy dogs. Which, of course, they sort of are now thanks to certain tween franchises. Yes, that was a Twilight joke. We're very topical here.

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