15 Dead Game Of Thrones Characters (That Are Still Alive In The Books)

9. Jojen Reed

Game Of Thrones Stannis Baratheon

When the cast of Game of Thrones' second season was announced, many feared that Jojen and Meera Reed, the children of Eddard Stark's bannerman and friend Howland Reed, had been cut, as they made no appearance during Bran Stark's short-lived time as acting Lord of Winterfell. Instead, they showed up in the third season, joining Bran and company on their journey north and staying by his side when he and his brother Rickon part ways.

Jojen has greensight, which allows him to experience prophetic dreams. This ability is also possessed by Bran, who can also function as a skinchanger and enter the mind of animals and even other humans. Jojen schools him in the use of these abilities, hereditary to certain members of the Stark family but long forgotten, as they journey in search of the Three-Eyed Crow (the Three-Eyed Raven on the show) from Bran's dreams.

In both mediums, the group eventually reach the Crow/Raven's dwelling, encountering wights as they do so. In the series, this encounter claims Jojen's life, though he lives to die another day in the books. Hints are dropped that he has foreseen his death in one of his dreams, however, indicating that it may happen in Martin's narrative shortly as well.

Given that the Crow (or Raven) will presumably take over Bran's increasingly mystical education, Jojen had served his purpose. The same could arguably be said of Meera, who has been largely superfluous to this point given her own lack of abilities. Given that she has been spared on both fronts, however, she may yet be set to serve a greater purpose.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.