15 Doctor Who Actors Who Have Been In Game Of Thrones

13. Robert Pugh (Tony Mack/Craster)

Robert Pugh appeared in Series 5 of Doctor Who as Tony Mack, one of the family set at odds against the Silurians. He is stung by the tongue of a captive Silurian warrior, poisoning him. His condition means that he has to stay below ground when the Silurian hibernation restarts in order to have a chance of living. He urges his family to get to the surface, however, suggesting that he cares deeply about them. Craster, Pugh's role in Game of Thrones, is a much nastier piece of work, however. As a 'friend' of the Night's Watch, he has little to no redeeming features. He 'marries' and abuses his many daughters and sacrifices his sons to the White Walkers. He acts put upon when anyone requests anything from him, insults everyone he meets and is jealously possessive of anything he considers that he owns. He gets his comeuppance in Season 3, though, when he dies in a fight with Night's Watch rebel Karl Tanner. Good riddance!

Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.