15 Doctor Who Scenes That Make You Cry Every Damn Time

1. The Day Of The Doctor (2013)

The Earth shattering 50th anniversary special was a feature-length extravaganzathon jam-packed with more twists and turns than a dinner date with a Dalek and, just when you thought he could amaze us "no more", Steven Moffat shocked the fandom to its very core by revealing that he still had one last momentous surprise up his sciency-wiency sleeve. Enter the Curator! Doctor Who fans old and new alike were left weeping into their TARDIS handkerchiefs when Tom Baker made his unannounced return as part of the far-reaching festivities. The party wouldn't have been complete with an appearance from the definitive Doctor himself and his cameo perfectly embodied 50 years of time and space whilst also looking to the future. And that, dear Whovians, is what it's all about. What did you think of this list? Are there any other Doctor Who scenes that are guaranteed to leave you bawling like a baby? Let us know in the comments section below!
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.