Turn your mind back to last year. Usually a new series of Doctor Who is the highlight of a Whovian's calendar but that year the enjoyable seventh series was just an extra treat compared to the much-anticipated 50th anniversary special which followed in November. So what an unexpected and amazing end to the series it was when, in the final moments of Series 7's finale The Name of the Doctor, we were given a teaser for the special. And oh, what a teaser it was. Lost in the Doctor's own timestream, the Doctor and Clara encounter an unfamiliar figure. He did what he did without choice, says the stranger who sounds suspiciously like the dragon from Merlin. 'Yes,' replies the Time Lord. 'But not in the name of the Doctor." This scene was the perfect way to set up the upcoming special. Many fans were perhaps expecting, and would have been very happy with, an appearance by David Tennant, who was already confirmed for the anniversary adventure, but the production team decided to go all out and give us one heck of a surprise. A brand new incarnation of the Doctor - played by John Hurt. If there's anything sure to get fans excited, it's a new regeneration. Speaking of which...