One thing the modern series arguably has over the Classic stories is its inclusion of story arcs, or cliffhangers that lead into finales that wrap up a year's worth of plot lines. Following this logic, the cliffhanger from the first part of The End of Time - that aimed to wrap up the Tenth Doctor's era as a whole - should have had a massive impact. Thankfully, it did. The Master may have turned the human race into the Master race and Donna's head may have started to fry as she remembers the Doctor but this isn't the biggest thing The End of Time... er... ends with. No - that honour goes to the final revelation that the episode's narrator has been none other than James Bond all this time. Or rather Timothy Dalton as the Time Lord President, Rassilon. That's right, the Time Lords are returning! Since the show came back in 2005, it had revolved around the loss of the Time Lords so to bring them back (though, in hindsight, not quite to the same extent as The Day of the Doctor) broke all the previous rules that the show had worked hard to set up. One thing is for sure, Rassilon certainly wasn't the only one salivating at this scene.