There have been many a cliffhanger that revolve around the Daleks across Doctor Who's fifty years as it's a sure fire way to make a memorable cliffhanger. After all, everyone loves a Dalek. Except the Doctor, of course. All it takes is a shot of the eye stalk or a pepperpot-shaped shadow and we know exactly who's back. But imagine seeing a Dalek for the first time? Yes - one of the best Dalek cliffhangers is this moment from not only the Dalek's first story but also their very first moment on screen. Yikes! The scene works so well because of how little it shows us. Peculiarly, the action is conveyed from the Dalek's point of view as a terrified Barbara is pinned to the wall by... a sink plunger. And that is it. Viewers had to wait a whole week for their first full glimpse of a Dalek but television history had already been made. The place behind the sofa had become a safe haven for children everywhere. Watch out, universe, the Daleks have arrived.