15 Most Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In The Walking Dead

4. Dr Jenner’s Whisper Reveal

The Walking Dead Daryl Tattoos

Episodes: TS-19 (S1, E6) and Beside the Dying Fire (S2, E13)

Back in the Season 1 finale at the CDC, the crazed and grief-stricken Dr Jenner whispers something in Rick’s ear just before he and the rest of the group escape the before the building blows sky high taking Jenner and Jacqui with it.

The issue of exactly what Jenner said to Rick to leave him looking so shaken was a mystery for quite some time until, at long last, Rick revealed during the Season 2 finale Beside the Dying Fire that he’d been informed that everybody carries the zombie virus already.

Funny that, because at the start of TS-19 Dr Jenner asks Rick and Co if any of their group is infected before he allows them entry to the CDC. Why bother asking that if he already knew everybody is infected anyway?


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.