15 Most Anticipated TV Moments Of 2017

Cersei's reign probably won't last very long.

29 Cersei Death

2017 has a stellar line-up of TV coming lined up, from promising new programmes to the long awaited return of beloved shows from the past. One thing is sure; everyone’s “must watch” pile is only going to grow bigger this year, to the point it might just tip over and crush them.

The return of fan favourites shows also means cliffhangers being resolved, storylines being paid off or hated villains finally getting their comeuppance.

Let’s take a look at some of the most anticipated scenes in the months ahead that fans can't wait to see, and pray they’re as amazing as they sound.

15. The Hound V The Mountain - Game Of Thrones

29 Cersei Death

It sure looked like season four would be the last for The Hound, since he was left for dead following his duel with Brienne. Thankfully Sandor showed up alive and well in season six, seemingly on the lookout for redemption for his past misdeeds.

His death also would have robbed fans of the much hyped "Cleganebowl," where he fights his evil big brother The Mountain to the death. The two have no love for one another, since it was Gregor who gave Sandor his facial scars as a child. The two are formidable fighters and while we’re obviously rooting for Sandor, The Viper fight from season four proved that The Mountain is someone you don’t want to underestimate in a showdown.

He’s also a hulking zombie now, which likely won’t make this dust-up any easier. Nonetheless, fans can't wait for them to have one last scrap.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.