15 Most Overrated TV Shows Of The Decade (So Far)

2. Game Of Thrones

The Show: HBO's fantasy drama based on George R. R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice novel series, featuring a massive ensemble cast set in a sprawling world where violence and conniving politics rule the day. Why It's Overrated: Here's a show which really suffers from its own salivating fan-base. Short of perhaps Dr. Who, you will struggle to find a legion of fans as passionate as Game of Thrones lovers, entirely egged on by the fact that the show is of course an adaptation of Martin's extremely successful, dense series of books. Every aspect of its production is excellent (the visual effects particularly stand high above most other TV shows) and the storytelling is very rich, but there are certainly those who are going to be left cold by the absurd hype and expectations, or find the fandom surrounding it inexplicable despite having a general admiration for its craft. After all, it's still a silly fantasy at the end of the day, right? Then there are the hardcore fantasy fans who might not find it fantastical enough, because the supernatural elements for the most part take a backseat to the character relationships and politicking. Its hardcore fans will insist that no show of any genre can touch it, but it in fact benefits hugely from the fact that there just aren't many quality fantasy shows on TV, while still falling a little short of the truly best drama TV has to offer (The Wire, The Sopranos, Mad Men).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.