15 Saddest TV Show Moments Of All Time

5. How I Met Your Mother - The Funeral

Futurama Seymour Jurassic Bark

Season six of How I Met Your Mother remains the show's most emotional outing, dealing with family like never before. Ted starts work on his house in hopes of finally settling down; Barney confronts his estranged father; and, most heartbreaking of all, Marshall's father Marvin dies suddenly of a heart attack.

The scene when Marshall finds out about his father is bleak enough, especially when you consider the fact that he'd just found out he and Lily could have kids and that actor Jason Segel didn't know it was coming, but it's at the funeral in the following episode that the story reaching its emotional zenith.

Realising his father left him a voicemail before he died, Marshall forces himself to listen to it only to find out it was a pocket dial. This causes Marshall to go on a rant about how much he loved his dad and how unfair it is that people have to die.

Just as it looks at though Marshall won't be able to recover from his pain, Marvin finally comes to the phone and apologises to him for pocket dialling him.

It's a sad, harrowing moment, followed by a heartwarming finale, and by the end you're definitely crying buckets.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.