15 Saddest TV Show Moments Of All Time

11. Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Game Night

Futurama Seymour Jurassic Bark

Without question one of the show's best ever episodes, Brooklyn Nine-Nine's "Game Night" manages to perfectly balance the silly, goofy nature of the show and tackle the deep and emotional themes it brings to the table.

After precinct badass Rosa Diaz comes out as bisexual, she enlists Jake's help in coming out to her old fashioned parents.

Though for the most part the interactions between Rosa, Jake and Rosa's parents are funny and charming in their awkwardness, the silly tone is quickly cast aside when Mr and Mrs Diaz refuse to accept their daughter's identity, insisting there's "no such thing as bisexual" and that, since she still likes men, she can "have kids."

It's a tough to watch scenario, but seeing Rosa stand up for herself and her identity is simply awesome to watch, and the episode's ending, in which her father comes to terms with her identity, is a bittersweet moment guaranteed to make you happy-cry.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.