15 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Stranger Things

13. The Sentimental Value Of Toys

Stranger Things

In the Season 2 premiere, Mike's mother informed him that he needed to fill two boxes worth of toys to give to the yard sale. Though he initially protested, suggesting that he wanted to keep most for sentimental value, he eventually agreed. However, when filling those boxes, he came across two toys with a significant amount of sentimental value.

Having tossed a number of figures into the box, he set his sights on a toy dinosaur and stared at it through eyes that were close to teary. If you were wondering why he felt particularly nostalgic about this one, it's because 'Rory' the dinosaur was one of the many toys he showed to Eleven when he was trying to impress her during their tour of his house back in Season 1. He even made it roar in the exact same way he did back then.

Following that, he picked up his Millennium Falcon figure. Yes, the very same Millennium Falcon Dustin tried to get El to make fly with her mind - which she ultimately did when nobody was else was present.

It made complete sense that he chose to keep those two.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.