15 Ups & 0 Downs For Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2

4. UP — "Hi! What's Your Name?"

Star Trek Prodigy Admiral Janeway And EMH
CBS Media Ventures

Back in December of last year (2023), Dan and Kevin Hageman teased Seán and Ellie with "bigger characters than The Doctor" in season two of Star Trek: Prodigy. We now know who they were referring to, of course. We also know why Wesley had seemingly 'never visited his Mom' since moving out and moving on to a different plane of existence — he already had!

You wait around for one Crusher, and two and a tiny one turn up! We here at TrekCulture had certainly been longing for the re-appearance of the character in Traveller form after his briefest of scenes in Star Trek: Picard's second season. Prodigy was no mere cameo for Wesley, however; he (and his sweaters) was central to the plot, providing high drama and, at times, high comedy. Who knew Wesley could be so witty? The redemption of the once unpopular wonderchild began a while ago, but this season will have surely solidified it!

They had one more surprise for us towards the end of the tale of the tail. When Wesley does go back to see his mother, there is someone he needs to meet — his brother, still a toddler, and not quite yet with the English accent.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.