15 Ups & 0 Downs For Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2

2. UP — That Hope Is Us

Star Trek Prodigy Admiral Janeway And EMH
CBS Media Ventures

As I have alluded to above, following on from its first, the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy is gloriously, unapologetically about hope. That alone, I believe, merits all of the UPs I have given here and is, no doubt, a large part of the series' appeal. Hope is why I, why we, watch Star Trek. Unwilling to be limited by the vicissitudes of today, we dare to imagine better. As The Doctor said, "hope is never a foolish thing".

The darkest of times call for the brightest of beacons, and none fit the bill more perfectly than the newly commissioned ensigns aboard the newly requisitioned USS Prodigy, Protostar-class. As they set out on their new adventures to "reach the stars," to "seek out" and aid those in need, we can only hope that we get to join them. Hope is also us, and if we, the fans, have proven one thing, it's that, to quote the Admiral, "united, we can always overcome". Star Trek: Prodigy is far, far too good for it to end here. So, let's set a course for season three!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.