16 Best Guest Stars In Red Dwarf

14. Charles Augins - Queeg


American actor Charles Augin played the role of Queeg, the backup computer to Red Dwarf's Holly.

Augins is rarely seen on screen although his work often is, as he is a well-renowned choreographer. He worked on the moves in the Red Dwarf single Tongue Tied, and also choreographed the Bowie film, Labyrinth. It's a surprise he hasn't done more work in front of the camera, but with his choreography being so good, it's no wonder we don't see much of him. He is a revered guest nonetheless.

Queeq was a militaristic machination that was officious in nature and took control due to Holly's perceived negligence. He was initially well liked and a breath of fresh air to the team, but things quickly turned sour. Queeg forced the crew to work for meagre meals and eventually Holly staged a coup via a chess match. The outcome cannot be revealed due to spoilers. Definitely an example here of the character making the star.

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