17 Most Paused TV Moments Of 2017

6. The Creepy CGI Baby - A Series Of Unfortunate Events

A Series Of Unfortunate Events Sunny

Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events was one of 2017's funniest shows, but it also featured some of the year's most offputting small-screen CGI, employed to jarring effect to enhance young Sunny Baudelaire's (Presley Smith) screen presence.

Due to a presumed combination of child labour laws and safety concerns, there are countless scenes throughout the show where Sunny's face has clearly been treated with CGI, either to perhaps evoke a reaction the actress wasn't able to, or have her perform an action unsafe for a baby actor.

Either way, the close-ups routinely look quite disturbing, and though it at least suits the tone of the show somewhat aptly, it nevertheless feels like Netflix should've stumped up a little more cash for it to fit the slick, high-quality sheen of just about everything else on the show.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.