18 Most Memorable Evil Twins In TV History

4. Supernatural

The writers of Supernatural granted all the teenage girl fans of the show their one wish - two Deans! Even if one of those 'Deans' is an evil shapeshifting demon. 'Shapeshifter' Dean is the spitting image of his demon-hunter lookalike, and like any good evil twin worth his/her salt, the Shapeshifter wearing Dean's face causes all sorts of trouble posing as our favourite Winchester brother. The evil twin trope has been used here as a bit of a fan wish fulfilment. We've always thought Dean could make an awesome bad guy, and without his younger brother Sam keeping him grounded, he very well could be. Through the power of the evil twin trope, we get to experience that side of Dean, even if its just for an episode or two. Finally, this evil twin is also memorable for having a very, very disgusting ability to shed its skin, all at once. Gross.

3. Misfits

One of my favourite British TV shows in the last few years, Misfits's twist on the super hero genre took a bunch of juvenile delinquents and gave them superpowers, making them Super Hoodies. But not even a show as original as this one could escape the evil twin concept. Rudy, a humorous, rough around the edges layabout, with absolutely no social filter has a multiple personality disorder €“ very literally. He is able to reluctantly split into two polarised versions of himself, his most unshakeably happy-self full of misplaced confidence and his emotive, much less selfish and more self-doubting alter-ego. While nether of these characters is Rudy's evil twin, its this original twist on the concept that makes Rudy one and Rudy two so memorable. Rudy two is downright lovely and brings out the best in Rudy one, best demonstrated in the final season.

Aspiring blogger engaging in movie waffle and all things cinema. I'm 22, London based and that's me in a nut shell. Well, not literally.