20 Actors Who Have Appeared In Both Classic And New Doctor Who

18. Margaret John

Margaret John holds the record for the longest gap between Doctor Who appearances at 38 years. In 1968, she played Megan Jones in the Second Doctor serial Fury from The Deep. Megan is the director of Euro Sea Gas, a refinery that had been attacked by a mysterious weed creature. She appears in the last three episodes of the six-part serial, although mainly telesnaps and audio remain, with very little actual footage of this story. Next up, The Idiot's Lantern and its online prequel Tardisode 7 brought John's next character, Grandma Connolly, face to face with The Wire, an evil energy-based creature coming for people through their televisions in 1953. Speaking of notable women in the franchise...
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Sara Habein is the author of INFINITE DISPOSABLE. She is a staff writer for Persephone Magazine, and the editor of the Word Riot blog. Her Doctor is number Eight, but the Twelfth is right behind.