20 Best South Park Characters Of All Time

5. Chef

South Park
Comedy Central

Best Episode: The Return of Chef, S10 Ep 1

Jerome "Chef" McElroy is a well missed character on the show who, if not for his leaving, could have very well made the top of this list.

Chef was considered a heavy favourite from the beginning of the show, having appeared in the very first episode, because of his ability to turn any bit of piece of childhood advice into some sort of seedy song about making passionate love to many, many women. He also had a well loved catchphrase, greeting the children every day in the same manner with his warming 'Hello Children', even referring to them as children when there was only one of them present at the time.

Chef was also the first continous black character and therefore ended up pulling out a lot of the more racist jokes towards his white neighbours, allowing the program to reach every degree of offensive.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and when Issac Hayes decided that everything was game for laughs apart from his personal religious beliefs (look up hypocrite in the dictionary; you will find a picture of Issac Hayes) this was the case for Chef as well.

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TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.