20 Best TV Comedy Shows Of The 21st Century

12. How I Met Your Mother

The Office

Yes, the finale alone barred this one from earning the top spot, but as much as we all resent the last few moments of this show, there’s no denying that this more ambitious, sillier successor to Friends was a masterpiece in its early years.

Offering up consistently inventive classic instalments like No Tomorrows and The Pineapple Incident, the show not only twisted the standard format of sitcoms with its unusual storytelling but also benefited from a career-best turn from former child star Neil Patrick Harris as the instantly iconic, blatantly insecure ladies man Barney Stinson.

That said, its long run ensured every member of the talented ensemble had a chance to shine on this funny, clever hang out sitcom classic.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.