20 Best TV Shows Of The Last Decade

7. Fargo

The Leftovers

The Coen Brothers’ individual filmmaking brand is a tough task to replicate, so not much was expected from this second effort to create a show from their pitch-black morality tale 1996's Fargo. Yet, it manages to surprise as a worthy successor to the highly regarded film.

The trick to the success is all with showrunner Noah Hawley's approach; instead of trying to tick off a formula of what makes the film work, the show pays homage to several similar characters and situations but goes its own way in general.

This has resulted in a platform for Hawley to showcase his own unique brand of dark comedy, unpredictable twists, and shocking violence that stands distinctly enough apart from the Coen's flavour, while lovingly tipping the hat to it.

The choice to approach proceedings as an anthology, is also a welcome one, as it resulted in an incredible cast line-up each season, with seasoned actors, from Ewan McGregor to Martin Freeman, willing to turn their typecast persona's on there head.

With the fourth season impending, this sits as a leading example of how incredible a movie-to-TV show adaptation can be.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.