20 Greatest Moments In Modern Doctor Who

8. Bad Wolf Bay (Doomsday)

Doctor Who The Pandorica Opens

Doctor Who's multiverse-crossed lovers Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor broke a nation's hearts when they were separated on Bad Wolf Bay in 2006.

The relationship between the Tenth Doctor and Rose caught the imagination of the general public in a way that was brand-new for Doctor and companion pairings. We all love a doomed romance, and what else could a love story between a 900-year-old Time Lord and a 19-year-old retail worker be but doomed?

Their final farewell has been dulled a bit by Journey's End, but "burning up a sun just to say goodbye" is still such a beautiful way to depict the tragedy of the Doctor and Rose's parting.

They really should've stopped Tennant's hair from flapping about the place though. He's supposed to be a hologram!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.