20 Incredible Star Trek Concept Art Designs You Need To See

1. Abandoned Saru – Star Trek: Discovery


Before he was the lanky, hoofed, prey species we've come to know, Star Trek: Discovery's Commander Saru was a much more ambitious, but ultimately impractical ten-eyed, green alien.

Designed by Neville Page and Glen Hetrick, the ten-eyed Saru went as far as makeup and costume tests before it was decided that the multiple eyes and complex facial appliances were too limiting to Doug Jones' performance. The makeup also would've required extensive animatronics or CGI to make this version of Saru come to life, which the producers abandoned late in the preproduction process.

With only weeks left before production, Page and Hetrick redesigned Saru to take full advantage of Doug Jones' own facial performance and to allow the character to fit in more comfortably with his more humanoid Shenzhou and Discovery crew mates.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).