20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The Walking Dead

12. Carl's T-Shirt Features Another Robert Kirkman Creation

Robert Kirkman has his fingers and a lot of pies. But enough of The Walking Dead creator's dietary habits, the comic book writer has got plenty going on besides the phenomenally successful adaptation of his epic ongoing series, spinning all that sweet moolah off into his own production company, Sykbound. He still mostly handles The Walking Dead stuff, but it was a long road to making his millions. Before that, Kirkman was behind any number of comic book properties that didn't quite take off in the same way: The Astounding Wolf-Man, Battle Pope, and early series Science Dog. The latter is the most obscure, the most forgotten...except by Carl Grimes, whose t-shirt bears the Science Dog logo of the paw being orbited by electrons.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/