20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About Lost

10. The Actors Influenced The Show In The Weirdest Of Ways


It€™'s common for actors to bring their own interpretations of characters to the writers (Tobin Bell famously knew how to write Jigsaw better than any of Saw'€™s scriptwriters), but some of the Lost cast did it in the most unexpected ways.

Yunjin Kim initially auditioned for Kate. While she was unlucky in that, the producers liked her enough to give her the role of Sun, and she ended up being essential in creating an authentic view on Korean culture. She advised the writers in a lot of areas, most interestingly Jin€™s name; he became Jin-Soo when she said having a monosyllabic name was incredibly rare in Korea. That'€™s insight you just can€™'t get from Google.

It's also worth mentioning L. Scott Caldwell, who brought with her the sad story of a couple where one was terminally ill (she married her husband who had one year to live during the show's production). Another, more sombre example of creative actors.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.