20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Twin Peaks

1. Fire Walk With Me Was Meant To Be The First Of Several Films

As it happens the first follow-up to Twin Peaks after the original series was cancelled raised more questions than it answered, so maybe the Showtime revival going kaput might be a blessing in disguise. But David Lynch wasn't being wilfully obtuse when he made Fire Walk With Me, which instead of picking up where the show's cliffhanger ending left off instead leapt back to tell the story of Laura Palmer's last days (and the origins of BOB). He was setting ground work for more. Fire Walk With Me was, eventually, meant to be a continuation of Twin Peaks. He just never got that far. Critical and commercial reaction to the film was so bad, Lynch never got to make the sequels he'd had planned which would, variously, have explained the origins of the Black Lodge, what David Bowie's disappearing FBI agent was about, how Annie appeared in Laura's room, and what Agent Cooper's ultimate fate was. In fact a lot of info was lost in cutting down Fire Walk With Me, the reported hours of deleted scenes briefly considered for the recent DVD and Blu-Ray re-release, but remained unreleased. Many of those scenes included beloved Twin Peaks characters the film missed out on. The sequels would have continued that, and explored the mythology of the Black Lodge. Instead, the film was mostly a missed opportunity for many fans, raising more queries and leaving a lot of plot threads on the floor. Still, an effective little psychological horror, even with all the creamed corn stuff...
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Twin Peaks
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/