20 Things You Didn't Know About Scrubs

18. The Name Calling

Scrubs JD Turk Elliot

Dr Perry Cox always had a way with words. Whether brutally scathing his interns or finally succumbing to his emotions, he was always something of a wordsmith. One of his most iconic traits was calling J.D a different girls' name every time he berated him, and it was always hysterical to see play out.

As it turns out, little of this was actually planned. Off-screen, actor John C. McGinley is close friends with John Cusack, whom he frequently refers to using girls' names when they're together. In the show, much of the name-calling was ad-libbed by the actor, allowing McGinley to bring his own spin to the character.

That wasn't all McGinley brought to the role, however. Many of Cox's most memorable mannerisms, from the crossed arms to the angry nose rub, were all actions the actor brought to the role to make Cox more compelling.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.