20 TV Acting Performances That Are Totally Flawless

12. Edie Falco - The Sopranos

Tony Soprano The Sopranos

In a show made up of remarkable performances, each more enthralling than the last, Edie Falco stood tall amongst them. Starring as Carmela, the stay-at-home wife of mob boss Tony Soprano, Falco had the seemingly impossible job of playing a loyal wife and mother, and a woman constantly at odds with her husband's troubling lifestyle.

Perhaps the most impressive thing about Falco's performance is how genuine and lovable she makes Carmela. Carmela is loyal to a fault, surrounded by blood money and death, but her devotion to her kids is one of The Sopranos' most poignant recurring themes.

Carmela was at once the show's most sympathetic and complex figure, and watching her battle with her feelings for her husband, her emotional tussles with her kids and her conflicted opinions on her life and its secrets wouldn't have been half as powerful without Falco's immeasurably affecting performance.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.