20 TV Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off

5. Professor Frink (The Simpsons)

frink In the episode 22 Short Films About Springfield, the end credits interrupt the infamous Professor Frink, as he laments the fact that he will not be able to tell his story; he claims to be able to both make you laugh and think. Professor Frink, one of the most absurd characters on one of the most beloved cartoons, is brilliant but little explored man. We do know that at one point in time he developed hamburger earmuffs. In fact, he has no worries that Homer will develop it independently of them before Frink can get them on the shelf, as he realizes Homer will have to grapple with the harrowing "Pickle Matrix". Professor Frink is also an expert in the field of microcalifragilistics, one of the most difficult fields of science known to man. In fact, the only challenge he's been faced with that he could not overcome with the formation of some sort of... rebigulator.
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Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.