20 TV Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off

3. Beadie Russell (The Wire)

beadie Before she was Oscar-nominated actress and starring as Steve Crrell's love interest in The Office, Amy Ryan portrayed Officer Beadie Russell in the hit HBO series The Wire. Though she began as a lowly Baltimore beat cop, she very quickly found herself immersed with the homicide department in the second season of the show. In fact, Beadie was an integral of the investigation of a string of murders, as she herself was the first to stumble upon the dozen dead bodies. After this season of the show, she gets demoted to only being a tangential supporting character. And while we learn of her relationship with the show's main protagonist Jimmy McNulty, we are only given brief glimpses into their troubled relationship together. Without spoiling the way the show ends, I will just note that there is not a happy ending for everybody. However, Beadie could've been given that opportunity. With a spinoff of The Wire, we would be able to get a deeper look at a struggling female police officer in the harrowing city of Baltimore portrayed by David Simon. Plus, Jimmy McNulty would be alongside Beadie for comic relief, as well as a little bit of drama.
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Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.