20 TV Shows That Are Practically Flawless

7. Deadwood

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The first thing that hits you about Deadwood is bound to be the language. Not only is David Milch's western drama an expansive historical document with increasingly compelling plotlines, it was also one of the most poetically profane, lexically nimble products on TV throughout its three-season run.

But the joy of Deadwood didn't entirely lie in its awe-inspiring verbal ferocity or its gritty violence, but also in its wide ensemble of outlaws, sheriffs, killers, thieves and shady businessmen, as well as its stunningly realised set design and daunting narrative scope.

Deadwood featured real-life historical figures such as Wild Bill Hickok and Wyatt Earp, mixed them together with fictional heroes and villains, and particularly soared with Ian McShane's scene-stealing turn as pimp Al Swearengen. Equally mystifying and harsh, Deadwood was cancelled before its time, but cemented itself as one of the greats whilst it was around.

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