20 TV Shows That Are Practically Flawless

6. The Wire

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Like many great TV dramas, The Wire requires patience from its audience but is very rewarding for those willing to put up with its slow-burn narrative, setting changes, and heavy socio-political plotlines, which dissect the inner workings of the Baltimore police force and its street-level drug dealers with equal focus.

The Wire is the story of a roguish cop played by Dominic West, a stick-up artist played by the late Michael K. Williams, and a wide variety of scheming politicians, directionless drug dealers, school students threatened by systemic inequality, ex-cons, and addicts.

Few shows have ever been able to match creator David Simon's understanding of the flaws threatening the city's inner-workings, and fewer still have been able to come close to matching his eye for compelling characters. When a show makes you think and feel this deeply about its key players and themes, it has to be an all-timer.

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