20 WTF Moments From Game Of Thrones Season 5

4. Jon Snow Defeats A White Walker

An army of undead wights tearing through Hardhome in and of itself would have been terrifying enough, but throw in a White Walker or two and it ratchets up the action to a whole new level. Realising they're really going to need that dragonglass if they're to stand a chance of victory in the coming war, Jon Snow and Wildling warrior Loboda rush back into the building only to find a White Walker waiting for them. Loboda doesn't last long, and Snow's chances of victory hardly look great as the Walker throws him around like a rag doll. The look of surprise on both the White Walker's and Jon Snow's face when Snow's sword Longclaw deflects the Walker's blow, rather than shattering to pieces, was no doubt the same look on most fans as they watched the scene unfold. One strike later and the White Walker is no more - God bless Valyrian steel...

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