20 WTF Moments From Game Of Thrones Season 5

13. Reek Finally Grows A Pair

Alfie Allen has done a pretty good job in recent seasons when it comes to portraying Reek - after all, he doesn't get to do a great deal beyond looking permanently terrified of Ramsay Bolton and staring at the floor in fear. It was only a matter of time before he finally grew a pair (although obviously not literally - Ramsay's spot of genital surgery isn't going to be reversed any time soon) and helped Sansa escape from her unpleasant marital situation. With Ramsay and his men returning from their resounding victory over Stannis Baratheon he couldn't have left it any later if he'd wanted to, but late is certainly better than never. Whether or not Reek - presumably now ready to identify himself as Theon Greyjoy after all this time - and Sansa can escape the region surrounding Winterfell without being hunted down by Ramsay's men remains to be seen.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.