22 Doctor Who Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

4. A Strategic Weak Point €“ The Snowmen

Planning to use a Memory Worm to wipe Dr Simeon€™s mind, the Doctor carries it in a metal box with a map of the London Underground printed on it, and proceeds to ramble about how he considers it to be a strategic weak point of metropolitan living. All while completely unaware that he€™s talking to the Great Intelligence and has just persuaded it to try and invade Earth via the London Underground in 1967. Those familiar with what€™s left of the Patrick Troughton era will have realised that this otherwise completely tiny moment is far from a non-sequitur and is another moment from Steven Moffat that ties Classic and New Who together. This time by establishing The Snowmen as a prequel to The Web Of Fear and providing a reason for the Great Intelligence using the Underground as a staging area for it's invasion.

3. Gallifreyan Bedtime Stories €“ Night Terrors

In Series 6€™s Night Terrors, the Doctor recalls some bedtime stories he was told as child on Gallifrey. Specifically The Three Little Sontarans, The Emperor Dalek€™s New Clothes, and Snow White And The Seven Keys To Doomsday. As well as being obvious twists on fairytales, the third story is a reference to Doctor Who And The Daleks In The Seven Keys To Doomsday. A 1974 stage play that starred Trevor Martin as an alternate Fourth Doctor and Wendy Padbury (who previously played the Second Doctor€™s companion Zoe) as his companion Jenny. This was definitely the most obscure Doctor Who reference in years and an Easter Egg that very few would pick up on. Though Night Terrors is a Mark Gatiss episode so this kind of thing is to be expected.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.