The Flash Season 2: 21 WTF Moments From 'Flash Of Two Worlds'

1. Standing Tall

In the episode€™s final moments, and one of its most WTF happenings, we€™re reintroduced to the familiar face of Harrison Wells. Sure, the opening credits may have totally ruined this surprise for some by name-dropping Tom Cavanagh, but it was still great to see the always-engaging Wells appear on screen. Of course, this is seemingly the Wells of Jay Garrick€™s world, so that throws up plenty of questions. This is clearly a Wells who still has the use of his legs, but does that mean that he€™ll also have not met Eobard Thawne? And even if he hasn€™t met Eobard and been influenced by him, who€™s to say that Wells himself may not now be a bad guy? Or maybe Harrison Wells really will be the genius do-gooder that was envisioned at the start of The Flash€™s first season. After all, this is a man who is reintroduced to us here as €œthe saviour of Central City€. Then again, the ominous way that Wells says €œHello kids€ is just a tad creepy. What moments from this week's episode had you saying WTF? Any we've missed? Let us know in the comments.
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