24: 10 Most Heartbreaking Deaths

5. Bill Buchanan (Day 7)

Bill Buchanan made his debut midway through Day 4, and became the popular Director of CTU throughout Day 5 and 6. But it was in Day 7 when he shone the brightest. With the dismantling of CTU, he puts together a team outside of the law to reveal a conspiracy at the highest levels of government. A group of African insurgents infiltrates the White House and takes hostage the President, her staff, her daughter and Jack who was trying to protect them. In an effort to cause a distraction, Jack fills the panic room in which they were hiding with gas and is ready to sacrifice himself for the good of the hostages. After discovering the conspiracy runs deeper than he thought, Bill sacrifices himself so that Jack can continue to unravel the mystery. A noble man who was widely respected by those he worked with and, most importantly, he was a man who always had Jack's back when it really counted. Sometimes his hands were tied, but when it really mattered he came through, especially in Day 5 when he played a vital role in bringing Logan to justice. It was a tough moment when the silent clock appeared moments after Jack slid to the ground to mourn his fallen friend. Bill's selfless act saved both the President and her daughter. Like others before him, in true 24 fashion he went out a hero.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.