24: 10 Most Heartbreaking Deaths

4. Ryan Chappelle (Day 3)

Despite only being a supporting character and not widely liked, this death has been recognised as one of the most emotional and powerful moments in 24. In Day 3, we meet terrorist Stephen Saunders who has a weaponised virus in his possession and is holding America ransom. In an effort to derail the investigation, he demands President Palmer order the execution of CTU's Regional Director Ryan Chappelle. Despite America's policy not to negotiate with terrorists, the team are left with no choice and Jack is forced to execute him. It was the ultimate question, one you imagine many people in power probably have faced in real life without us ever knowing. Is one innocent man's life worth more than 10,000? "I'm sorry we let you down. God forgive me" are Chappelle's final words before Jack shoots him. Regardless of his fears, Chappelle allowed himself to be sacrificed in a true act of bravery worthy of the best soldier, saying he could not live with being responsible for the death of thousands. The whole sequence is brilliantly shot, full of emotion and intensity as audiences wait for the moment Jack will save the day. It doesn't come, and instead this tragic moment will be one of the defining scenes in the show's history.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.