24: Jack Bauer's 10 Most Badass Moments So Far

7. That€™s Jack Bauer! (Day 8)

Charles Logan is one of the most devious villains in the history of 24. He€™s a vindictive and cowardly man who wouldn€™t think twice about throwing his own Grandma under a bus to save his own skin. The only thing more important to him is his legacy, and it€™s that obsession for a place in the history books to rival presidential legends like David Palmer, that brings him back to our screens. He returns in Day 8 after IRK President Omar Hassan€™s assassination, to try and keep the ongoing peace talks alive, manipulating all parties to see an outcome best suited for him. Meanwhile, Jack is still in the middle of his crusade to avenge Renee€™s murder and comes across intel that implicates Charles Logan. The history between these two runs as long as the Nile and Jack mounts a one man assault on Logan, equipped in full battle gear. Jack attacks the Logan€™s motorcade, incapacitates his security and breaks through bullet proof glass, smoking out the gutless former president with tear gas. Jack takes Logan hostage and finds out who was really behind Renee€™s death. Although he plants a listening device on him, so he can be sure (you€™d think Logan would have learnt after the first time? €“ see next page) and finds out just how high-up this trail goes. It€™s the terrified screams of Logan which really sells this moment. The cowardly character is left shaking in fear when Jack is marching towards him, screaming: €œThat€™s Jack Bauer! Don€™t just sit there! He€™s coming for me!€ It was a scene that left fans salivating for more as Jack approaches the situation with complete control, using Logan€™s fear against him so he can get the upper hand. Not to mention how downright badass he looks equipped in his full combat gear!

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.