25 Greatest Sci-Fi TV Shows Of All Time

15. Twin Peaks

The X Files

Twin Peaks' bonkers subject matter has allowed it to ascend to such unbelievable heights over the years that the show itself has almost become intangible. The truth is that, over the course of its original two-season run in the early '90s and its 2017 revival, it experimented with every genre under the sun as creators David Lynch and Mark Frost derived an unnerving amount of pleasure in baffling viewers in just about every way you could possibly think of.

So yeah, Twin Peaks may not be an exclusively sci-fi series, as it dabbles in other genres such as horror, fantasy, crime, mystery, drama, comedy and soap but it would be remiss of this writer not to include it on a list celebrating a genre in which it specifically thrived.

The trippiest journey you'll ever embark on, everything about Twin Peaks - from the mysterious town in which it is set to the inexplicable events that took place in that Red Room - owes a debt to science fiction and it toyed with that genre in such a masterful way that it inspired countless shows that followed.

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The X-Files
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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.