25 Greatest Sci-Fi TV Shows Of All Time

14. Black Mirror

The X Files

'What if?' - a question that is unquestionably woven into the very fabric of science fiction itself, and one that Netflix's Black Mirror attempts to answer with every single episode.

The streaming giant's anthology show utilises a series of standalone episodes set in some variation of the present and/or future which showcase the dangers of technology. Its tone varies from episode to episode - with some being light and satirical, while others are dark and threatening - but each one comes up with a unique attempt to get its message across.

In the same way that the Terminator franchise attempted to do in the '80s and '90s, Black Mirror is a cautionary tale for humanity and its reliance on technology, highlighting the dangers of that reliance and teaching us lessons about how it could ultimately come back to bite us. And, in the process, it has produced some of the greatest episodes in television history - like the Emmy-winning San Junipero.

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The X-Files
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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.