25 Greatest Sci-Fi TV Shows Of All Time

12. Lost

The X Files

While many shows before it had become cult classics in their own right, Lost came at a time when much of the world's population was beginning to develop into the obsessive fanboys and fangirls that dominate the film and television landscapes today, so it's hardly surprising that it quickly became something of a phenomenon.

A show that originally seemed like little more than a highly compelling survivalist drama, Lost documented the aftermath of a plane crash and how it ultimately affected the 48 passengers who miraculously survived the crash and landed on a deserted island. But as it went on, it soon became clear that everything wasn't what it seemed.

Like Twin Peaks, it was a show that wore many hats, using the conventions of whichever genre it pleased to make viewers as bewildered and lost as the survivors on the island, forcing us to ask questions about which mysterious events were real... y'know... as well as the obvious one: What the hell is going on?

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The X-Files
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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.