25 Greatest Sci-Fi TV Shows Of All Time

18. Lost In Space

The X Files

Modern audiences might see the title and assume we're talking about Netflix's 2018 offering, but the fact is that without this classic, that reboot would (likely) have never existed.

Based on an 1812 novel (and a subsequent comic book), Lost In Space charted the adventures of the Robinson clan who, following their self-induced cryogenically frozen slumber (to sleep for a five year journey through space), are awoken when a sabotage attempt on the ship goes wrong and ultimately results in them, their robot and their saboteur literally getting lost in space. And from there, we embark on countless adventures as the family encounter new worlds (with one new planet per season soon turning into one new planet per episode) and the dangers that reside on each of them.

An unadulterated classic, Lost In Space was family-viewing at its finest, making full use of its genre while also benefiting from its family dynamic and even relying on comedy to garner laughs from its audience. A product of its time, no doubt, but one that somehow manages to feel quite timeless.

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The X-Files
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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.