31 Hottest New TV Shows Currently In Production

3. The Walking Dead Spin-Off (TBC 2015)

There isn't a great deal of information at the minute dedicated to the Walking Dead's companion show (don't call it a spin-off) other than that it is projected to air in 2015, and will be written by Sons of Anarchy writer Dave Erickson. Everything else is pretty much best summed up by Robert Kirkman:
€œI can just say that I have been a huge fan of Dave Erickson for many, many years. We actually developed a project together before The Walking Dead show ever happened. So to me he was the best possible guy for the job and I€™m very excited about this idea of doing this companion show for The Walking Dead because people aren€™t quite aware of all the different new angles we can go in and the new kind of stories we can tell and just how unique and exciting and how much this show can stand alone. I think people are going to be pretty taken aback by how cool this companion show can be. And being able to work with Dave on it will be pretty exciting for me.€
So maybe we should expect a shocking approach? Like no walkers? It feels like a missed opportunity that Kirkman isn't interested in putting together a prequel with Merle and Daryl Dixon, but the show will still come with a major excitement factor. The Selling Point: A further opportunity to see into Robert Kirkman's apocalyptic world is extremely good, and there won't be any chance that important story lines can be spoiled by comics. The Concerns: Spin-offs don't always come off, regardless of the good feeling that meets their initial announcement (see How I Met Your Father and the mooted Supernatural extension.) So who knows if we'll even see it.
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