A loose adaptation of the comic book series created by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred, and published by Vertigo, iZombie will follow a zombie hiding in plain sight in society, along with her friends a ghost and a were-terrier. The irresistible conceit is that said zombie must eat a brain once a month to remain normal. The Selling Point: The comic series is great, and the genetic similarities with the BBC's well-received supernatural sit-drama Being Human should mean it comes with a ready made audience. The Concerns: Similarity is okay, but if it's too close to the US version of Being Human, which was just cancelled earlier this year, that might spell disaster.
29. 12 Monkeys (2015)
Following the trend set by the likes of Fargo and From Dusk Til Dawn, Syfy are plundering the movies as a source for the eye-catching upcoming TV adaptation of Terry Gilliam's classic sci-fi head-messer. Following a pilot filmed last year, the show has been greenlit for 2015, starring Nikita's Aaron Stanford in the Bruce Willis role, alongside Noah Bean and Amanda Schull. The Selling Point: The movie was excellent, and the concept of time-travel and dystopian futures is both well-trodden and enduringly popular. The Concerns: What works for movies doesn't always work for TV shows, and the performances in the movie were a big part of its success.