Kevin Williamson - the man behind The Following, Vampire Diaries, Scream and Dawson's Creek - is currently flying high again as a TV show maker, and his latest venture for CBS will be Stalker, the upcoming psychological thriller following a pair of detectives - Dylan McDermott and Maggie Q - who handle stalking incidents for the Threat Management Unit of the LAPD. The Selling Point: CBS president Nina Tassler has described the show as the scariest drama the network has ever aired. The Concerns: For every success story in his name, Kevin Williamson has also seen some high-profile failures, and there's really no telling whether we'll see a Vampire Diaries success or a Hidden Palms disappointment.
23. War And Peace (2015)
Next year, The Weinstein company will bring the sixth official adaptation of Tolstoy's classic novel to the BBC, broken this time into six hour long shows. The Selling Point: It doesn't get much more classic than this. The Concerns: Can it really outdo the adaptations that have come before?